TImber Camp: Get ready for the most massive week of Innsbrook Camp ever! We will embrace our natural surroundings as we find unique and natural ways to have fun including everything from trail adventures, challenging games, making animal and human friends, messy crafts and laughter....This is going to be the Timber time of your life!
Weeklong Camp Activities Breakdown 2025
Monday Highlights
Let make some new friends! Campers will join in teambuilding icebreakers and create special interest groups. An outdoor escape game will kick off the week!
Tuesday Highlights
Campers will have a blast paintballing and climbing to the top of the Upper Limit portable rock wall! Today the campers will also take turns fishing in the fun pond!
Wednesday Highlights
Lets meet at the beach for a fun filled day swimming in the lake! Today we will also be tie-dying our camp t-shirts!
Thursday Highlights
One of the favorite events will happen today… creek hikes! Wear shoes that can get wet (not flip flops), or bring shoes to change into today. We’ll trek down to the creek near camp and explore. (Will evaluate creek levels first) There will also be plenty of nature-themed adventures, including a visit from Reptile Experience, who have a few new friends for the campers to meet!
Friday Highlights
Wear your tie-dyed t-shirt today so we can take a camp group photo!
After group photos we will be heading to the pool for swimming!
CI Weeklong Camp #2- July 21st-July 25th
Camp runs Monday-Friday 9am-1:30pm
Children must be at least 6 years old and have graduated kindergarten up to sixth grade.
$200 per camper. Full payment required at time of registration.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at 636-928-3366 Ext. 9180 or email [email protected]